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Lakewood Kosher Vacation Rentals

Jewish families flocked to Morristown’s Ginty Field for the annual Jewish Summer Festival, an event that showcased community, culture and activities of interest to all participants.

Simchat Torah marks the completion of one annual cycle of weekly Torah readings and commencement of another one – making this day of joy and song all the more celebratory!

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah marks the start of Jewish people’s new year by asking God for mercy and making pledges not to repeat past errors. Additionally, it marks the start of a 10-day period known as ‘The Days of Awe” or Atonement; culminating with Yom Kippur – or The Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur provides an opportunity to look ahead and focus on future endeavors while asking Him for guidance and direction.

Many Jews take time off work and school to attend services at synagogues or adjacent spaces such as schools or churches in their area, when a sanctuary becomes too small to accommodate everyone. On Yom Kippur alone, services may take place elsewhere with special prayers like Avinu Malkeinu being said at each gathering.

Chabad of Camden & Burlington Counties hosts Chanukah celebrations across its two counties, from menorah lightings, community parties, car-top menorah parades and Chanukah on Ice events to cultivating a spirit of unity and light during this joyous holiday.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur (pronounced yohm kI-puR) is the holiest day of the Jewish year and takes place on the 10th day of Tishrei (usually September or October on the Gregorian calendar). On this day, individuals reflect upon their actions, ask forgiveness from others, and renew commitment to good deeds. People attend prayer services at their synagogues throughout the day while fasting until Neilah (the final service), when final prayers conclude with long blasts from their shofar (also known as Neilah).

Jewish tradition requires that during Yom Kippur prayer services – which involve songs, religious customs, and readings from a prayer book called Machzor – Jews confess their sins to God. A vow renewal service also occurs on Yom Kippur Eve called Erev Yom Kippur that annuls any unintended promises made throughout the year to God.

As well as community activities, Yom Kippur also brings concerts featuring Kosha Dillz, Souls on Fire (Grateful Dead cover band) and Top Cats (all-female Grateful Dead tribute act). Many Jews give to charity on this holy day as well.


Chabad of Camden & Burlington counties invites the entire community to celebrate Sukkot with them by participating in menorah lightings, community parties, car-top parades, Chanukah On Ice events and other festive festivities.

Attractions at the festival include Holy Schnitzel – America’s largest kosher food truck; an outdoor marketplace featuring hundreds of vendors (including Beth El’s gift shop); arts and educational activities for children; community building initiatives (painting a Unity Wall mural or attending a scribal arts workshop); and arts and educational programs designed for adults.

JWF-NJ hosted its third Jewish Film Festival during this year’s festival, which showcases award-winning international films about Jewish culture and life. JWF-NJ sponsored an excellent Israeli drama called “Working Woman,” an intriguing tale about finding her inner strength to stand up for herself at work. After each film screening is followed by discussions between directors or scholars; over 200 people attended.


Holiday celebrations bring families closer together. From Hanukkah and Christmas festivities, there are events all across Texas where families can come together this holiday season and commemorate this holiday season together.

Hanukkah is a holiday that commemorates both military and spiritual victories for religious liberty, telling of a miraculous eight-day oil supply which allowed Jews to rededicate their temple after defeating their enemies during the 2nd Century BCE.

Menorah Lighting and Chanukah Celebration with the Jewish Federation of Camden & Burlington Counties in Maplewood

This annual festival features live entertainment, car-top menorah parade and more for community members to gather and celebrate Jewish culture, diversity and unity. Additionally, several food vendors such as Holy Schnitzel at Morristown Jewish Center may offer kosher cuisine. All are welcome – simply register in advance to reserve a wristband.

Independence Day

Annual Fourth of July celebration in Jersey City features spectacular fireworks with Manhattan as a backdrop, making for an exciting all-day festival complete with food vendors, local artisans, music, entertainment and fireworks at 9:30pm that can be seen along Hudson River Walkway and parts of Heights / Liberty State Park / NJJFF (New Jersey Jewish Film Festival). Beth El is proud to support and sponsor NJJFF; Program Director Stuart Weinstock curates this exceptional festival which fosters Jewish cultural and identity growth across New Jersey through viewings of exceptional films curated for NJJFF events such as this. NJJFF promotes Jewish culture and identity growth while helping foster growth of Jewish cultural and identity throughout NJ through cinematic presentation of exceptional films that encourage cultural and identity growth within its audiences / audience through screenings of exceptional films presented across NJJFF programming platforms! Beth El is proud Community Sponsor of 24th NJ Jewish Film Festival; Beth El is pleased to participate! Program Director Stuart Weinstock curates this festival which fosters growth across New Jersey through screenings featuring wide a range of films that promote cultural growth within this state through providing quality programming! Beth El is pleased Community Sponsor of 24th NJ Jewish Film Festival by which Program Director Stuart Weinstock curates curates its programming through showcase of exceptional films presented throughout NJ by providing quality programming from New Jersey Jewish communities through cinematic entertainment venues! Beth El is delighted Beth El is also pleased Community Sponsor for 24th NJ Jewish Film Festival which Program Director Stuart Weinstock curating NJJFF which helps foster growth by showing exceptional films each year by curates curated by Stuart Weinstock curating an exceptional selection. Stuart Weinstock curating NJJFF is pleased Community Sponsor for both events! It curated by this exceptional festival! Beth El is pleased and Community Sponsor of 24th NJ Jewish Film Festival that Stuart Weinstock curating it every year’s Stuart Weinstock Curator Stuart Weinstock to fosters NJ Jewish identity while NJ JFF Program Director Stuart Weinstock curating its 24th NJ Jewish Film Festival as NJ JFF Curator Stuart Weinstock curates who curates as its 24th NJ Film Fest which fosters which helps nurtures! NJ Jewish Culture through screening an exceptional films from around NJ JFF Program Director Stuart. he curates NJFF to fosters program that fosters program also participating as Program Director Stuart is curates curate who curated Festival Program Director Stuart! The NJ JFF which fosters’s Curated Film Fest that fosters Curators each year’s Curators Curated! curated curate fostering New Jersey by screening wide variety of exceptional films Festival presents.

Dress in red, white and blue for Elizabeth’s patriotic 4th of July parade before heading over to Veterans Memorial Waterfront Park for family-friendly activities that include the symbolic firing of General George Washington’s colonial cannon at Fue de joie (fire of joy) reenactments as well as performances by American Revolution Colonial Honor Guard and New Jersey Fifes & Drums!

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